
Storm Protection Tips for Doors and Windows

It is important to remember that doors and windows are highly susceptible to storm damage, especially in case of a hurricane. Therefore, you can take steps to reduce insurance premiums and protect your household and family members.

The main problem lies in the idea that windows and some doors come from glass. A high wind can shatter glass and cause it to fly around, causing serious consequences and potentially life-threatening issues to surrounding people.

On the other hand, you can protect your doors and windows to ensure they remain intact during a heavy storm, which will prevent flying glass and debris as well as potential injuries that may happen as a result. Enter this site: to learn about high-end panels you can find on the market.

Some options require professional assistance, while others will allow you to handle each step along the way. You must have a checklist and prepare yourself for the worst situation that may happen. Being proactive will protect your investment while you will ensure that your household remains in perfect condition.

Laminated Security and Safety Glass

Laminated security and safety glass is the effective way to add another layer to your windows, which will ultimately provide you impact-free solution. Laminated glass comes with multiple layers, which makes it prone to serious winds. We are talking about thermoplastic interlayer, which is five times stronger than regular glass.

As a result, you will get sturdier protection on windows and interior doors, which is essential, especially if you live in areas with high winds. Remember that laminated security glass will offer you similar protection to storm windows. Finally, you can rest assured and stop thinking about flying debris. The most important advantages of laminated glass are:

  • You will get an option that will retain strength and structure while it can handle formidable impacts.
  • You will increase the overall security of your property, which will directly translate into better protection and higher value.
  • You will protect glass from shattering, which is the most important factor to remember.

At the same time, the protection will last all the time, meaning you do not have to add and remove plywood before each storm. Still, it is a hefty investment you must think through before making up your mind.

Hurricane Fabric

You probably know that hurricane fabric comes with stretching characteristics, meaning you can use them to fit and cover all the glass and windows. You can imagine it as a trampoline that will bounce hard debris and prevent potential issues and shattering.

Of course, bouncing debris may cause some damage, but you will get protection against flying glass, which is a common problem during storm seasons and hurricanes. Although it is not as effective as hurricane protection for doors and windows, you will get a few advantages that will offer you peace of mind.

The most important factor is the ability to install it in a matter of minutes and remove it afterward. You can store it in your basement or attic and use it only when needed. You should remember that it is more affordable than buying additional layers and protections from hurricane, which requires professional installation among other things.

However, it is not effective for severe hurricanes, meaning if your home is at the center with the highest degree of winds, you should choose other protection options.

Storm Shutters

Another important consideration is that you can get access to protection each time a storm arrives, meaning you can prevent adding, installing, removing, and repeating the process. Instead, you can permanently install roll-up shutters, which are effective and will provide you with peace of mind.

As soon as you notice a storm warning, you can pull them in place. Still, you should think about a material, because each option comes with specific advantages and disadvantages. Generally, people choose translucent material since it can let the light inside the household, which is way better than other options.

On the other hand, you can obtain professional storm shutters, which require experts for installation. You can learn more about Paradise windows and doors, which will provide you a chance to protect your household from severe storms while keeping your home appealing and energy efficient.


The material and type depend on your household’s style, material, and types of storms available in your area. The most common options come from reinforced fabric, aluminum-wrapped foam, and aluminum.


One of the most common options for protecting your windows and doors from shattering during a severe storm is by boarding up throughout the process. We are talking about affordable options, but it is time consuming and tedious compared with other options mentioned above.

The first step includes buying all the plywood you need for all windows on your household. Then you should store them in your basement or attic and wait for the emergency signal.

The moment you notice a potential storm coming your way, you must board up all windows directly, which means climbing to the second floor and dealing with first floor and interior glass doors, among other places.

As installing, taking boards down require plenty of time and effort. Although plywood can protect your windows and doors during severe storms, the process is not convenient as it seems. Still, it is the least expensive option, meaning if you have a limited budget, you should use it for protection.

Professional Protection Services

Some protection methods are simple to handle without professional assistance, however, if you have enough money and wish to ensure the best protection available, you should find professional service to ensure the best course of action.

Professionals can help you install impact-resistant windows, additional layers, fabric shields, hurricane shutters, and storm panels, as well as board each window separately. Whatever you decide, it is important to think about the efficiency and the ramifications of doing it yourself.

For instance, you may have issues climbing to the second floor, which will cause severe problems when deciding to board up your windows. At the same time, installing impact resistant glass is not something a homeowner should handle, because the process requires professional understanding so you can get the biggest efficiency.