
Is Air Duct Cleaning Worth It?

Who would have thought that the lowly air duct could become a star of a reality show in the last pandemic year? As soon as the scientific community and air quality researchers declared that SARS-CoV-2 was airborne, all attention shifted to the elephant in every room – ventilation or the lack of it. Some individuals were so paranoid about airborne transmission that they decided not to use their AC or heating system at all. To ease concerns, other people operated their HVAC fans non-stop – consuming thousands of dollars in energy bills in the process.

However, while these reactions to the situation that COVID-19 has put us in are at least comprehensible, they are not all that effective. What works is dealing with indoor air ventilation as the root cause. This post will enlighten you on how air duct cleaning Toronto and maintaining your air ducts benefits indoor ventilation, reduces energy expenses, and makes air healthier.

1. What Are HVAC Air Ducts?

One may think he or she knows all there is to know about air ducts and how they operate. But think about this – when was the last time you took the time to look at the air ducts inside your house or your workplace?

If you answered “never,” you are not alone!

Air ducts are air passages, or channels, through which air circulates in your home.

Some of those pathways bring fresh, temperature-controlled air into your home. And some of those pathways remove old, toxic and contaminated air out of your home.

Altogether, these pathways contribute to the process when fresh air gets in and replaced the old one in the premises of your home or workplace.

2. Can You Answer These Questions About Your Air Ducts?

Like any other system in your house or business premises, you most likely came with the air ducts pre-installed.

As such, you may not be aware of when they were installed, what materials were used, and the last time it was inspected, repaired, or maintained.

This is why we often say that air ducts are either the unsung heroes or villains of ventilation. This is so because a well-constructed, airtight and well maintained air duct system is an effective tool towards reduction on energy costs, provision of comfortable indoors and generally a healthy living.


Unfortunately, most air duct systems are not in any shape to achieve any of these goals.

Unfortunately, a lot of air duct systems we come across are actually more of a nuisance than an asset – they leak conditioned air along the process, allow contaminants in, and in some cases, expel toxic substances into the home.

3. Indications That Your Air Ducts Require Duct Cleaning and Maintenance

Like any major structural system, air ducts have their shelf life. The lifespan of your particular ducts depends on their material and how frequently or infrequently they are cleaned and maintained.

The following are signs that will help you know when it is the right time to hire an air duct inspection and duct cleaning service.

a. Your Ducts Are 15 Years Old or More

No matter how well constructed the duct system is, there will inevitably be some separation at the joints as a result of heat expanding the metal and then contracting it when it cools. Metal ducts can also develop rust and inside condensation which result in mold and mildew.

Ducts that are well maintained and built with weatherproof and durable materials can last up to 20 years. The only way to make sure is to get up there and check it out for ourselves!

b. Your Home Is Always Dusty

There is however an easy way of estimating the state of the interior ductwork by closely observing the air registers and the vents in the room.

Are there signs of dust or any black colors that seem to be different from the usual ones? Do you find that your furniture is always becoming dusty?


These are all indications that you have debris, dirt, dust, and who knows what else accumulating inside your ductwork and should consider duct cleaning.

c. Your Home Is Somewhat Smelly – No Matter What

No amount of air fresheners and odor eaters can help to overcome a duct system that houses mold or introduces unconditioned air from attics and crawl spaces.

This is particularly so when none of the things that you do seems to have a significant impact in enhancing the quality of the indoor air.

d. Low-Grade Health Symptoms Are Persistent and Recurrent in You and Your Family

This is not the year to attempt to navigate life with a perpetually weakened immune system. Contaminated and low in oxygen, the indoor air is capable of producing flu-like symptoms that interfere with deep sleep and stress regulation.

Stale air in your duct work can lead to a cycle of mental fog, crankiness, runny nose, headache, slight cough, achy bones, and cold/flu symptoms that makes one question if he/she will ever feel like himself/herself again.