How to Make a Home Look and Feel Extra Luxurious

There are few things as fantastic as walking into a space and feeling the luxury and peace in every corner of the room. Since your home is arguably one of the places you spend most of your time, it really is worth making it a sanctuary, a spot to retreat and unwind, and the place that gives you the energy you need to walk out the door and own the day. While luxury sounds expensive, it really doesn’t have to be. People can get inspiration from different regions and countries, combining various elements and colors to create not only a visually appealing home but a place that feeds your soul.

It’s About Blending

Whether you decide to renovate an older home or a brand new one, it’s really the blend that makes it so stunning. Homes that exude luxury combine natural beauty, plants, and exquisite finishes. The foundation and cornerstone of a stylish space are functionality and comfort, characterized by natural materials and a connection with nature; it’s about creating space, opening up rooms to let light in, and incorporating calm colors and textures into your home. A more minimalistic approach is a great idea as it stays with the times and won’t go out of fashion anytime soon, meaning that costs will stay down for future renovations. Luxury is about creating a feeling through design, a feeling of tranquility by merging and blending plants and flowers and bringing them indoors, while using natural construction materials in large open spaces.

Picture a Balinese-style home, inspired by the natural environment and geared towards flowing seamlessly from one room to the next, thereby creating an open and airy feel. The first component to pay attention to is the material you use as the base: wood, bamboo, and very earthy ceramics lay the foundation. They give people the feeling of being in nature, even though they are indoors, bringing the soul-healing effect of nature into the home. A fantastic aesthetic can be achieved by choosing cream, white or light gray furniture, all of which convey a simple sense of being grounded—something that is essential in today’s busy times.

Good interior designers can utilize the ones mentioned above and further incorporate earthy brown, green, and terracotta tones, ending it off with lighting features that create a cozy, inviting atmosphere. Picture sitting on gorgeous couch with light flooding in while you read a book, play a board game or go online to access a wide range of casino games, your interior design should match your personality and preferences.

The Feng Shui Way

Feng shui is all about balance and energy flow. The goal is to create spaces where positive energy, or “chi”, moves freely, which is in alignment with the open spaces and minimalism described above.  The furniture layout is often strategically placed to maximize space and create a sense of relaxation, with common feng shui elements including water, wood, fire, earth and metal, whereby each element contributes to the balance of a space. For example, adding a small water feature like a fountain can encourage wealth and prosperity while at the same time calming one’s nerves thanks to the soothing sounds of water flowing. With so many people working from home these days, creativity needs to flow more than ever, so finding ways to unlock that creativity in terms of feng shui and interior design as a whole can be beautiful.

Think about incorporating the concept of yin and yang into your home to create that luxurious feeling. Think of it this way: yin represents passive, feminine energy, while yang represents active, masculine energy. Balancing these two forces is key to creating a harmonious space, as is the surrounding environment. Start with the entrance and living room by ensuring they’re inviting and free of clutter. This sets the tone for positive energy to enter and circulate throughout your home.

Remember that luxury is not necessarily about finances but more about the human experience. So, focus on fostering nourishment and health by keeping surfaces crisp and incorporating wooden elements like cutting boards or furniture. For bedrooms and bathrooms, prioritize rest and rejuvenation by choosing calming colors like blues and greens and incorporating natural elements like plants or stones.

Bring a Little Piece of You into the Space

At the end of the day, you are the one who’ll be watching your favorite show in the living room, sleeping in on a quiet Saturday morning, or pampering yourself in the bathroom on a self-care Sunday. So, your home is yours and should reflect what you like and what essentially makes you the person you are. Install and have accessories built that you are going to use and enjoy. There’s no point in having a massive fire place if you are not the kind of person to use and bask in that fire energy. Think about your non-negotiables, aspects of the property that are a must, for example, a pool if you like to be outdoors (or an indoor pool if you’re fancy), or a huge pantry and kitchen if your favorite pastime is cooking and baking. What makes a house a home is the personal touch that only you can add. Never be shy to speak your mind and throw out ideas of your own. Remember: buying and renovating a property is a huge and long-term endeavor, it should be an extension of you and showcase every aspect of what makes you happy. As the saying goes, peace, like charity, begins at home.